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Friday, October 29, 2004

Democracy in Action!

I just voted! Finally! I don't care if it gets counted or not... I just need to send it on in and I will have voted for Kerry/Edwards and Barack Obama! Holla!

Plus, I'm leaving for NYC in like an hour. Normal activity around here will be resumed shortly before Election Day 2004! Go Kerry!

Addendum: Just sent it in today, today being Monday. Cost me $7, too... Hey, the bumpersticker ribbons say it best, Freedom Ain't Free.


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Thursday, October 28, 2004

The real reason to get out the vote...

William Gibson puts it quite succinctly (no wonder I love his books...):

This isn't the election in which to make the quixotic but satisfying point that you'd really rather vote Green, or the quixotic but satisfying point that you'd really rather not have to vote for any more white men in tight blue suits at all.

This is an election in which to vote for *the greater likelihood of there being more elections in the future*.


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Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Incredible photo-journal. Every year on the same day, Diego Golberg takes a picture of himself and each member of his family. Every year since 1976. Absolutely fascinating.


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Death of the Two-Party System? (meme)

I've posted an article on my diary over at DailyKos... check it out. IF you're a member, feel free to comment/recommend it.

On other topics, sorry I've been so vacant lately, it's been a long, and trying weekend. I've got two finals on Thursday, so wish me luck!


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Guardian Unlimited | US elections 2004 | Polling truth

Markos's new Guardian article. Talks about the realities of polling and why the numbers can't always be right (and why Bush is spinning faster than ever).


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