Sight Unseen

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Sunday, November 14, 2004

U.S.: 'Enemy is broken' in Falluja

Do I believe it? Maybe... Maybe not.

Between 1,000 and 2,000 insurgents have been killed in the week-long assault, Marine Lt. Gen. John Sattler said. The American death toll rose to 31, with six Iraqi forces also reported killed. Nearly 300 Americans have been wounded, Sattler said.
Sattler said the military had about 1,000 people in custody and expected as many as 700 would be released after interrogation.
Also in Falluja on Sunday, U.S. forces were barring from the city's center an Iraqi Red Crescent convoy carrying food, blankets, water purification tablets and medicine for hundreds of trapped families, a U.S. Marine officer told Reuters.