Sight Unseen

My world materializing right before your eyes.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Today has got to be like the worst day that I've had here.

Let's go over all the things that make it bad. First of all, the most glaringly obvious, I SLEPT THROUGH BOTH MY CLASSES, and to make it even worse, I woke up just 20 minutes after the second one ended. Fortunately, I turned in my Philosophy paper by e-mail, but I still missed what could have been an important Philosophy class. And, of course, the first (and only) day I miss class, we have our first (and only) quiz in Stat. So I don't think I can take it at all, which puts me at a distinct disadvantage, gradewise. AND, when I called Flip to apologize for not going to class and to turn in my lab, he told me that he started looking for someone new to fill the job I was supposed to be doing for him. That is so frustrating and depressing, because it means I might not be able to make any money by the time I am supposed to go visit Claire, which means I can not go. It also means that I'll probably have to get an off campus job, which wouldn't be so bad, but this was such a sweet deal and I fucked it up.
Hopefully this day will be fucked up enough to make me never try and pull an allnighter again. But honestly, the only reason I went to sleep at 8:30 this morning when I knew I would have to be up by 11 at the latest is because I thought that Lincoln would be waking me up "early," because he offered to. I honestly expected either Josh or Lincoln to wake me up, and I even made them coffee to drink and to get me up with. I don't know what happened, and I'm not gonna jump to any conclusions or to any accusations, however, I'm definitely not going to depend on either one of them for anything for a while.
Although god knows how long a while is here. Could be 10 minutes for all I know.
Alright, well, lunch with Mo. Later.

edit: there was a miscommunication between lincoln and myself, so like i said, no one's to blame except me.


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