Markos Could Be Coming To My School!
I'll consider it, sure. Let me know when you have more details. Thanks! markos
> I know you've got a busy schedule, what with the elections coming up, but I'd like you to consider something. Up until a moment ago, I wasn't sure you were dealing with this kind of thing, but I noticed an ad on the media section page that seemed to indicate you would be giving some kind of talk at Moravian College.
> I go to Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY. I am a member of the Campus Progressives, which used to be affiliated with the Green Party, but has since determined that we'd rather not be restricted to working within (or outside of) party lines. I've been an avid reader of dailykos for a really long time now, and when we discussed having a seminar course next semester, my mind quickly jumped to you. I don't know the specifics, but I do know that we have a budget, and that if you were to decide to teach a class for the school or even just come and give a talk, there would be some form of reimbursement/payment...
> I'd just like you to think about this. It wouldn't be for a while, and I still don't know the specifics, but it's been laid out to me like this: a professional comes and partners with a professor, and together they teach two full weekends of classes. It involves maybe one paper and a lot of discussion (open threads, if you will). Students receive two credits or so, and I imagine it would be very rewarding for all parties involved. I would think the topic could be Political Journalism or grassroots activism or something like that...
> At any rate, I know you get tons of email, but once you get to this, I would really like a serious reply. If you would digest this idea and get back to me, it would be much appreciated.
Given, it's a very tentative response, but how can I not be excited?
yay! so exciting for you and your school. forget tentative, i see an exclamation point, which clearly indicates enthusiasm and excitement at the idea of getting to lecture at the great and almighty skidmore! but on a serious note, what exactly does markos lecture about when he travels to schools as of right now? and how long has dailykos been around? was he one of the first? or just one of the best in your eyes? is he known for being a good speaker? just curious, as always.
-a holmes
You know, I don't know what he lectures about, but if he came here, it would be on the subject of political journalism or something... DailyKos has been around since 2002, and I believe is counted among the first relevant/influential political blogs. Another thing that makes it noteworthy is that it has not only comments, but diaries. It is a community of political discourse (primarily far left, although surprisingly varied in party ID). I can't say that I've heard he's a good speaker, but he's a political consultant, internet luminary, and a knowledgable guy with plenty of degrees to prove it. I'm looking forward to the possibility of taking a class with him.
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